Patch update for counter strike source download
Patch update for counter strike source download

patch update for counter strike source download
  1. Patch update for counter strike source download upgrade#
  2. Patch update for counter strike source download code#
patch update for counter strike source download patch update for counter strike source download

Added a plugin to manage bot_quota correctly. Added a new interactive spawn point editor ("cssdm_spawn_menu"). Added a "Random Weapons" feature to the weapon menus. It will nowĬhoose not to display if it knows only one or less items can be Greatly improved the intelligence of the weapons menu. Improved CS:S DM's spawning of late joined players, players joiningĪ team after spectating, and late joining of bots. Improved CS:S DM's removal of dropped items (including defusekits). cssdm_password/cssdm_login are removed in favor of SourceMod's admin cssdm_enable/disable, cssdm_ffa_enable/disable are removed in favor of CS:S DM can now be translated to different languages. Most configuration options are now cvars a new per-map config system is CS:S DM's spawning, equipment, and other features have been moved CS:S DM is now open source, under the GNU General Public License. Rewrote CS:S DM to be a SourceMod extension. You can convert old config files if you need to. Old versions of CS:S DM (0.9x) must be completely removed beforehand. The new version can be installed on top of SourceMod without any extra configuration.

Patch update for counter strike source download code#

Updated some library code from SourceMod that had received bug fixesĪfter more than half a year without any major incidents from Valve, I have released a complete rewrite to CS:S DM! This version is more flexible, stable, and faster - and it's powered by SourceMod! Fixed a bug where CS:S DM crashed if FFA mode was set on the latest Fixed "nightvision" not being in the config file. Fixed a bug where bot_quota would stop working if cssdm_bots_balance Given if the file specified none in the list and the Fixed a bug where an unspecified primary or secondary weapon could be Fixed a bug where dm_equipment could perform actions on players/bots Repeat the selection on the main equipment menu. Fixed a bug where if you only selected one gun, you could not opt to Added an experimental cssdm_remove_drops cvar for specifying whether Added the ability to skip a weapon selection menu via "Exit." Added the ability to translate equipment menus (translation file must

Patch update for counter strike source download upgrade#

Upgrade SourceMod if you haven't already.

patch update for counter strike source download

To upgrade to CS:S DM 2.1.0, replace all gamedata and translation files. You will need to upgrade to the latest version of SourceMod (r1683 or higher). Note that SourceMod has gotten over 500 revisions since the last CS:S DM release. I have released a quick update to CS:S DM to address a few minor bugs, particularly one that came up with the recent CS:S update. Note that the version number will still appear as "2.1.0". You only need to update "", and only if you are using CS:S version 74 or higher. I have released a quick update to CS:S DM to fix FFA for the latest CS:S update. Special thanks to Nicholas "psychonic" Hastings for help.Ġ9-07-2009: CS:S DM Fix for latest CS:S Update CS:S DM now requires Metamod:Source 1.8 and SourceMod 1.3. I have released a quick update to CS:S DM to work with the latest set of CS:S updates, including the transition to Orange Box. Special thanks to Nicholas "psychonic" Hastings for help.Ġ9-05-2010: Another CS:S DM Fix for latest CS:S Update CS:S DM now requires Metamod:Source 1.8.6 and SourceMod 1.3.7. I have released another quick update to CS:S DM to work with the latest set of CS:S updates. CS:S DM now requires Metamod:Source 1.8.7 and SourceMod 1.3.8.Ġ4-17-2011: CS:S DM for latest CS:S Update I have released another quick update, CS:S DM 2.1.4, to work with the latest set of OrangeBox updates. 06-25-2011: CS:S DM for latest CS:S Update

Patch update for counter strike source download